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Proud Supporter | Save a seat today!

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Did you know 45% of Mohawk College students say their greatest need is financial assistance?

Helping to shape lives is the reason Trent Jarvis, Co-op Specialist, proud employee and alumni, feels incredibly honored to work at Mohawk College.

“I give because every student deserves the opportunity to reach their potential.  Throughout my career, I have benefitted from the guidance and mentorship of many incredible staff here at Mohawk. No one succeeds on their own.  My contribution helps students reach their potential, even if it takes just a small portion of the educational burden off their shoulders. If I have the capacity to give, why not support our future ready graduates?  I invite you to join me.”

Help a student graduate!

Your gift of $300 will support access bursaries for students and be recognized with a custom plaque featured on a seat in the McIntyre Performing Arts Centre. Show your Mohawk pride! Dedicate a seat in your name, pay tribute, or inspire a student with a message.

Save a seat today!


135 Fennell Avenue West Hamilton, ON, L9C 0E5
Telephone: 905-575-1212 ext. 3780
Email: giving@mohawkcollege.ca

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