15:17 PM

Upcoming PD Webinars

Teams/Office 365 Introductory Workshop for Employees | October 20, October 23, October 28

This session will provide an introduction to Microsoft Teams and Office 365 which can be utilized within Teams. You will learn how to access Teams, create or join a Team, and how to use the many features available to you for collaboration with your colleagues.

Smudging | October 21

The session will be an open and safe forum to ask questions related to Indigenous culture. We will be sharing some historical context and how it impacts services related to students. In particular, we will discuss smudging and some of the facts and myths associated with this practice.

Working at Mohawk Overview | October 27

Join us to learn more about the Working at Mohawk platform including; how to search and apply for job opportunities, how to view the upcoming professional development opportunities, review your learning transcript or performance management plans and much more! Bring us your burning questions or learn to simply navigate your way around the system.

Indigenous Mythbusters | October 28

The session will be an open and safe forum to ask questions related to Indigenous culture. We will be sharing some historical context and how it impacts services related to students. In particular, we will discuss common misconceptions and stereotypes associated to Indigenous people and communities in order to create greater understanding of Indigenous histories, contemporary realities, and cultures.

To register for any of the above sessions, please visit the Events Calendar using My Learning.

Contact professionaldevelopment@mohawkcollege.ca for any questions.